10/21/24: Documentary Screening: The Color of Care

10/21/24: Documentary Screening: The Color of Care

by Nicole Bardett -
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Documentary Screening: The Color of Care
October 21, 6 p.m. CT
Room 241, Vanderbilt Kennedy Center/One Magnolia Circle Building

Co-sponsored by Family Voices of Tennessee and the Tennessee Justice Center. In the two years since COVID-19 became a global health crisis, the pandemic has brought racial inequities in our healthcare system to the forefront. Now, Oprah Winfrey is executive producing The Color of Care, an original documentary that exposes these deep-seated disparities. The Color of Care chronicles how people of color suffer from systemically substandard healthcare in the U.S., with a pressing focus on how the COVID-19 pandemic shed light on the tragic consequences of that inequity.

Free and open to the public -- attendance by healthcare providers encouraged. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m., with the film screening beginning at 6:30 p.m. Advance registration is appreciated.

Please RSVP here by Oct. 14.